Some things that made me smile.The ones with * move when you click them,as always.
Mean Girls+HP=YES! |
I died laughing! |
Kinda' sad,but this killed me! |
*Don't we all feel like this sometimes? |
So very true. |
YES! |
See?HP makes you do and think amazing things.That's broadening the imagination,right there. |
I love these jokes! |
Cho does kinda' annoy me. |
Yeah,Voldy,you own that socially awkward klutz! |
Ron:Harry!Have you seen Hermione?She's...she's a woman!
Harry:Really?I always thought she was a Hippogriff!
DKCissner on DeviantArt.They are genius!Clearly,this was made before the movie came out. |
I love this scene.
Ginny runs into room,causing everyone to look at her.
Harry:(nervously)Hey there.
Ron has been trying to wave to Ginny,but she has eyes only for Harry.
Ron:(to Hermione)Amazing.She doesn't see me for 6 months,and it's like I'm Frankie First Year here!I'm her brother.
Seamus:She's got lots of those,Ron.Only one Harry.
Ron:Shuut up Seamus.
The delivery of those lines between Devon Murray and Rupert Grint was just so genius. |
He is telling the truth! |
Raise your hand if you were thinking this during the film.All hands should've gone up. |
I find this to be cute. |
HA! |
*Drapple.The best ship in the entire fandom ;) |
Well,what else are you gonna' do?Not listen to this strange woman?Take a chance! |
The best. |
*His expression:FTW! |
This killed me.I legit almost died of laughter! |
Poor Voldy.He just can't catch a break. |
DUH!God,Ginny,how could you not know about Wrackspurts?I guess they were a bit late in adding this,it happening in OoP and all,but it was funny all the same! |
Then you know it's bad. |
It's so very scary!He will always be Cedric to us. |
Please,Draco,hurry! |
I love whoever wrote this.Like,love them.But to whoever asked the question,let me tell you,you are NOT a huge Harry Potter fan!You don't even know that a huge HP fan is a Potterhead!DUH!Common knowledge here!;) |
FTW! |
Why are the funniest things in life usually the most true? |
I don't hate Wormtail.He was still a Marauder.And,in the end,he showed that bit of remorse,and died for his friends,in reality.Not for them,as in sacrificed,but because he mourned them,he died.I'm not saying he's my favorite character,but I don't hate him. |
This made me laugh so hard I fell out of my seat and spilled my milk.Just so perfect.So very perfect. |
I love Tom Felton.And no,not just because he's extremly attractive,which he is,and he's incredibly talented,which he is,but I love him as a person.Every interview of his just has such a fun mood and he goes with everything and is so loose and nice and fun and funny and etc.You get my point.I love Tom Felton. |
Ha!That's what I'm talking about with Tom Felton!And I love him and Matthew Lewis being so close when they play such enemies in the films. |
Admit it.Your mind=BLOWN. |
LMAO!This made me so happy. |
Poor Voldy.Always the nose jokes. |
* |
*Walk away slowly. |
* |
*I love this scene. |
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